Eprints has an import via DOI plugin. This import can be used to create single records - or multiple DOIs can be included and imported. The data is imported into the repository from the CrossRef service.
Once logged in to WRRO, go to the Manage Deposits screen, and click on the Import Items button. Then enter your DOIs as below, ensuring you have selected DOI (via Cross Ref) as your import format.
Until recently, for multi-author works, only the name of the first author was imported into the repository. However, functionality has recently improved and all authors are now being imported - which makes using DOI a much more attractive import option. It's still not perfect because the formatting of the author names is quite varied (some are all upper case, others not, some have expanded forenames, others have initials). This simply reflects the variation in data supplied by the journal publishers. The main bit of information still missing from the import is full pagination: generally you get the article start page but not the end page. Can save quite a bit of time - particularly if importing several records.