Open access week has become an annual, international event - The event - or rather, a series of events, announcements, competitions etc. - aims to highlight the importance of open access to research outputs and increase awareness and understanding of the value of open access to the academic community and beyond.
The Repositores Support Project invited all UK repositories to tally how many full text, open access papers were added during open access week. White Rose Research Online - specifically, the Sheffield section of White Rose Research Online - were the winning service. We uploaded a variety of full text journal papers and a series of Working Papers from the Department of Economics.
Access statistics from Google Analytics for the five days of open access week (Oct 19th - Oct 23rd) show 3,492 visitors from 103 countries and territories. Top keyword search for the week was "climate change".
Don't miss out! Ensure your research is uploaded to your prize-winning local repository.